實驗採取的方法十分簡單, 製備肝缺血動物模型, 呼吸氫後,取組織觀察HE染色確定能改善組織損傷, 測定血液中肝功能相關酶(臨床常規檢測手段)確定肝功能改善, 採用MDA(氧化損傷產物)確定具有抗氧化作用. 發表在BBRC上. 儘管文章不是非常全. 如此簡單的研究能發表在這個雜誌上, 強烈說明這個思路的新穎性. 我看到Nature的文章的感覺是吃驚, 看到這個文章的感覺是驚嘆. 這兩個文章直接引起我們強烈的興趣: 氫真的有這樣好的效果嗎? 為什麼? 抗氧化的研究已經有很多.氫到底神奇在什麼地方?
我們隨後進行了跟踪研究, 結果證明確實十分意外:效果太好了!!!!!!
Inhalation of hydrogen gas suppresses hepatic injury caused by ischemia/reperfusion through reducing oxidative stress.
[My paper] Kei-Ichi Fukuda, Sadamitsu Asoh, Masahiro Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Shigeo Ohta
We have recently showed that molecular hydrogen has great potential for selectively reducing cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radicals, and that inhalation of hydrogen gas decreases cerebral infarction volume by reducing oxidative stress [I. Ohsawa, M. Ishikawa, K. Takahashi, M. Watanabe, K. Nishimaki, K. Yamagata, K.-I. Katsura, Y. Katayama, S. Asoh, S. Ohta, Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals, Nat. Med., 13 (2007) 688-694]. Here we show that the inhalation of hydrogen gas is applicable for hepatic injury caused by ischemia/reperfusion, using mice. The portal triad to the left lobe and the left middle lobe of the liver were completely occluded for 90min, followed by reperfusion for 180min. Inhalation of hydrogen gas (1-4%) during the last 190min suppressed hepatic cell death, and reduced levels of serum alanine aminotransferase and hepatic malondialdehyde. In contrast, helium gas showed no protective effect, suggesting that the protective effect by hydrogen gas is specific. Thus , we propose that inhalation of hydrogen gas is a widely applicable method to reduce oxidative stress.
台灣氫水實驗室 TEL:0963-210-763
email: ddh2water@gmail.com
氫水,氫分子、氫氣、健康氫水,水素水,負電位,ORP,抗氧化,抗自由基,氫分子醫學,氫水,Hydrogen water,氫氣、氫,台灣氫水研究中心,氫思語,孫學軍,太田成男,鹼性離子水,小分子水,能量水,電解水,富氫水,負氫水,活水,健康,養生,活力,大氫鬆,小氫鬆,氫水機,水素,水素水機,王群光,氫氧機,綠加利,活美水素水,低氘水,活性原子氫,富氫水,負氫水,每日水素,活氫水,氫氧造水機,百樂,負氫,氫博士,氫水棒,氫源,新德美,HOH,鹼性活氫水,氫美機,負氫離子水,氫氣棒,呼吸氫氣,氫氧療法,加氫水,氫水、健康氫水、水素水、負電位、ORP、抗氧化、抗自由基 、氫分子醫學、氫水、Hydrogen water、氫氣、氫、氫水、台灣氫水實驗室、台灣氫水研究中心、氫思語、孫學軍、太田成男、鹼性離子水、小分子水、能量水、電解水、富氫水、負氫水、活水、健康、養生、活力、大氫鬆、小氫鬆、氫水機、水素、水素水機、王群光、氫氧機、綠加利、活美水素水、低氘水、活性原子氫、富氫水、負氫水、每日水素、活氫水、氫氧造水機、百樂、負氫、氫博士、氫水棒、氫源、新德美、HOH、鹼性活氫水、氫美機、負氫離子