目前分類:心血管疾病 (17)
- Jan 30 Thu 2014 03:13
- Jan 30 Thu 2014 01:49
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 12:04
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 02:26
- May 03 Mon 2010 10:07
- May 03 Mon 2010 09:51
- May 03 Mon 2010 09:40
- Apr 30 Fri 2010 13:24
- Apr 30 Fri 2010 13:10
- Apr 29 Thu 2010 14:57
日本學者07年 Nature Med ( Ohsawa et al. 2007 )文章發表後,立刻引起我們的極大興趣。我們採用不同的腦缺血模型,驗證呼吸 2% 氫氣是否可治療腦缺血損傷,研究結果與日本學者的結果類似,證明呼吸 2% 氫氣確實能夠治療新生兒缺血缺氧後損傷。該內容已發表文章,見 Cai JM, Kang ZM, Liu W, et al. Hydrogen therapy reduces apoptosis in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat model. Neurosci lett 2008,441(2):167-172. 文章發表後,立刻引起關注,目前已經被引用 6次。這個文章是我們的第一篇關於氫的文章, 比日本學者第一篇晚了1年. 但是我們的速度也是比較快的
- Apr 29 Thu 2010 14:49
我們看到日本的文章後,也進行了幾個設想: 證明是否有效, 採用其他模型, 其中心肌模型也是我們想到的. 但是後來發現日本學者也有同樣的思考, 文章隨後發表.BBRC. 這個文章的發表讓我們覺得非常遺憾. 因為我們動作不夠快.
- Apr 28 Wed 2010 09:06
- Apr 27 Tue 2010 14:30
- Apr 27 Tue 2010 14:18
這是來自中國華西的一個論文,不過到目前沒有見到投稿,很奇怪。去年到成都開會想拜訪一下他們結果沒有找到。這個明顯是一個會議摘要。網上地址: http://www.asaabstracts.com/strands/asaabstracts/abstract.htm;jsessionid=FE4BF6E7B423CD890CCB67F840D5938F?year=2008&index=9&absnum=354
- Apr 27 Tue 2010 14:17
- Apr 27 Tue 2010 14:05
該文首次採用注射含氫水的方法治療腦損傷,是對去年日本Nature Med文章的改進和提高。原來的研究是採用呼吸一定濃度的氫氣,達到治療腦缺血再灌注損傷的目的,但是,通過呼吸的方法不僅在給藥過程中存在爆炸的危險,而且需要比較特殊的設備,操作比較複雜,在臨床上難以推廣,因此,尋找更加實用的給藥方法也是需要探討的問題。經過理論推算,如果將純氫氣在生理鹽水中溶解,經過一定的處理,使其達到飽和溶解,可製造出氫氣的生理鹽水飽和溶液,這樣就可通過注射方法給藥。 Neuroprotective Effects of Hydrogen Saline in Neonatal Hypoxia-ischemia Rat Model [/color]Abstract Cerebral hypoxia–ischemia (HI) represents a major cause of brain damage in the term newborn. This study aimed to examine the short and long-term neuroprotective effect of hydrogen saline (H2 saline) using an established neonatal HI rat pup model. Seven-day-old rat pups were subjected to left common carotid artery ligation and then 90 min hypoxia (8% oxygen at 37 ?C). H2 saturated saline was administered by peritoneal injection (5 ml/kg) immediately and again at 8 h after HI insult. At 24 h after HI, the pups were decapitated and brain morphological injury was assessed by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC), Nissl, and TUNEL staining. Acute cell death, inflammation and oxidative stress were evaluated at 24 h by studying caspase-3 activity, MDA measurement as well as Iba-1 immunochemistry in the brain. At 5 weeks after HI, spontaneous activity test and Morris water maze test were conducted. We observed that H2 saline treatment reduced the caspase activity, MDA, Iba-1 levels, the infarct ratio, and improved the long-term neurological and neurobehavioral functions. H2 saline has potentials in the clinical treatment of HI and other ischemia-related 本文實現了這一目的. 中文摘要:
- Apr 12 Mon 2010 09:41
Numerous clinical trials of thrombolytic and neuroprotective
drugs for stroke have been conducted over the last
2 decades. The NINDS trial of intravenous tissue plasminogen
activator remains the most notable success. Intra-arterial
thrombolysis appears promising, but in the absence of phase
III clinical trial data , this approach remains investigational.
Numerous pharmaceutical drugs targeting 1 or more cell
death pathways have failed to show efficacy. Despite failure,
these prior attempts have provided insights regarding critical
issues such as proper clinical trial design and the need for
more rigorous preclinical drug testing in order to improve the
translational leap from bench to bedside.
More recently, accumulating data suggest that “non-drug”
approaches toward stroke therapy might also provide new
opportunities in addition to more traditional pharmaceutical
therapies. As testimony to the growing importance of these
alternate and sometimes complementary methods, there has
been a proliferation of device trials, and the NINDS, through
its key 'Specialized Program of Translational Research in
Acute Stroke' [SPOTRIAS] initiative,1 has funded trials of
therapeutic hypothermia, caffeinol, and normobaric hyperoxia,
among others. Although this brief survey focuses on
emerging gas and device therapies for ischemic stroke, it
should be noted that several other 'non-drug' approaches,
including physiological strategies (eg, hypothermia, glucose
regulation), and natural agents (eg, albumin , magnesium),
continue to be tested in ongoing trials.