該論文在實驗技術上沒有新東西,採用HE、小腸黏膜通透性、小腸體外張力功能測定,並用定量 PCR測定了幾個重要炎症分子的 mRNA。實驗非常簡單。
但該文章寫的比較好,基本把目前氫有關的研究都包括進,而且把 2001年最早的一個法國的報導也用上了。儘管我早就注意到這個,但我們論文中沒有引用,是我們的不足,值得學習。
該文比較可貴的是測定了動脈血中的氫濃度,呼吸後比正常升高了 3.5倍。這個文章強調了體內細菌產生氫的量比較可觀,比日本的文章要有進步。我曾經與日本學者討論這個問題,他們說測不出來。現在的結果更明確了。
該文在討論中談到, HO-1和 IL-10可以升高,而這些物質是抗氧化和抗炎症的。因此可以作為將來我們研究的測定指標。
本研究只是用 PCR測定,沒有用蛋白和酶學方法,是非常遺憾的,也是我們可以考慮在其基礎上改進提高的。
Molecular hydrogen prevents intestinal I/R injury
Takeshi Tsukamoto MD a , Bettina M. Buchholz MD a , Asad Nazir MD a , R. Savanh Chanthaphavong PhD a , Christopher Pape MD a , Atsunori Nakao MD a and Anthony J. Bauer PhD a
a University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Available online 27 August 2008.
Article Outline
Molecular hydrogen shows potential for reducing ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. We investigate the effect of hydrogen on intestinal IR injury.
Rodents were subjected to SMA clamp IR (50min) and reperfusion with air or molecular hydrogen (2%) inhalation (30 pretreatment/50min ischemia/30min posttreatment). Histochemistry and IHC on jejunal muscularis whole-mounts quantified neutrophil and F4/80+ monocyte recruitment into the muscularis externa (N=4 each). Organ bath recordings measured jejunal circular muscle contractility to bethanechol (0.3-300μM, N=6 each). Orally fed FITC-fluorescent microspheres (0.4μM) within muscularis leukocytes assessed mucosal barrier function .
Few neutrophils were observe in air and hydrogen treated controls (Air=1.1±0.23 vs. Hydrogen=0.6±0.14). I/R resulted in a significant increase in neutrophils into the muscularis of air treated mice (46.2±8.19), which was significantly decreased by hydrogen inhalation (16.7±4.69). Monocytes were not observed within control tissues, but I/R air mice exhibited the appearance of dense monocytic plaques at 24 hours. Hydrogen treated animals did not exhibit the monocytic plaques. Bethanechol dose-response curves demonstrated no difference between air and hydrogen treated control mice or 3hrs after reperfusion. However, 24 hours after reperfusion hydrogen treatment resulted in markedly improved muscle contractility compared to air (Air-I50min/R24hrs=0.26±0.071 vs. Hydrogen-I50min/R24hrs =0.68±0.118 g/mm2/sec @ 100μM bethanechol). I/R resulted in a time dependent lumeno-lymphatic transference of microspheres in 30 minutes after reperfusion that was blocked by lymphatic ligation.
I/R injury causes a breakdown in mucosal barrier function, neutrophil and monocyte recruitment into the muscularis externa resulting in a suppression in muscle function, which is significantly prevented by molecular hydrogen.
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email: ddh2water@gmail.com
氫水,氫分子、氫氣、健康氫水,水素水,負電位,ORP,抗氧化,抗自由基,氫分子醫學,氫水,Hydrogen water,氫氣、氫,台灣氫水研究中心,氫思語,孫學軍,太田成男,鹼性離子水,小分子水,能量水,電解水,富氫水,負氫水,活水,健康,養生,活力,大氫鬆,小氫鬆,氫水機,水素,水素水機,王群光,氫氧機,綠加利,活美水素水,低氘水,活性原子氫,富氫水,負氫水,每日水素,活氫水,氫氧造水機,百樂,負氫,氫博士,氫水棒,氫源,新德美,HOH,鹼性活氫水,氫美機,負氫離子水,氫氣棒,呼吸氫氣,氫氧療法,加氫水,氫水、健康氫水、水素水、負電位、ORP、抗氧化、抗自由基 、氫分子醫學、氫水、Hydrogen water、氫氣、氫、氫水、台灣氫水實驗室、台灣氫水研究中心、氫思語、孫學軍、太田成男、鹼性離子水、小分子水、能量水、電解水、富氫水、負氫水、活水、健康、養生、活力、大氫鬆、小氫鬆、氫水機、水素、水素水機、王群光、氫氧機、綠加利、活美水素水、低氘水、活性原子氫、富氫水、負氫水、每日水素、活氫水、氫氧造水機、百樂、負氫、氫博士、氫水棒、氫源、新德美、HOH、鹼性活氫水、氫美機、負氫離子